A one-day course.
Course Outline.
Pre-course work. – Delegates need to prepare a 10 minute presentation on a topic of their choice. The presentation will be made during the morning to video, which is used in the debrief.
- Introduction of course and icebreaker.
- Delegate presentations.
- Structure of introductions
- Relationships with the audience.
- The structure and use of questions.
- Posture & Dress.
- Pitch.
- Body language.
- The use of equipment.
- Control of a group.
- Structure and use of notes.
- Maintaining the audience’s attention.
- Eye contact.
- Group leading v. instructing.
- Presenting handouts and props.
The delegates will make a presentation from their own pre-course work to the group during the morning and also have time during the afternoon to prepare and present a second presentation.
Video camera and television are used for delegates to see themselves in action and also highlight the areas which need to be improved to achieve a standard of excellence.