The Observation of human behaviour can be traced back tothe ancient Greeks. From Empodocles in 444 BC through to Hippocrates in 400 BC to Galen in 130 AD, they all recognised the four distinct styles of behaviour.
DISC evolved from the works of William Marston in 1928 whilst working as a psychologist at Harvard.
The four styles of behaviour studied, concentrate on Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance.
After a candidate has completed the profiling test which can be carried out directly on the lap-top computer or paper based, the results which show whether the candidate scores high or low on the four categories, is produced. This result, in graph form, shows both a natural behaviour pattern and a behaviour pattern in a work environment. A direct comparison can also be made to show how the candidate reacts under pressure.
In addition to the graphs a detailed text is also produced describing the candidate's behaviour under the following sections:
- Style of managing work relationships
- Organisation and Planning
- Motivation
- Communication
- Decision Making
- Overview
- Behavioural Adaptation
- Advantages and Disadvantages of the candidate's style
Trait Analysis
This shows not only strong and weak traits but also simulated traits.
A stress analysis is also shown along with marked thresholds where applicable.
DISC also shows over 50 pre-defined job profiles for comparison.
The results can be seen instantly by using the lap-top and can also be printed out in a paper format to be used before, during or after an interview.
The candidate cannot hide behind the analysis, which results in a better and more accurate assessment of the candidate's real self.
West End Training has used this system successfully here in the UK and also overseas for team assessment, job recruitment, training and outplacement.